Five Minute Writer Exercise

Having recently purchased the book The Five Minute Writer, I thought I would post the results of Exercise 3 where writers are asked to make a list of abstract nouns (e.g. life, love, wealth, sadness etc) followed by a list of concrete nouns and attempt to make connections, starting the first sentence with “_____ is like a ______”. 

Misery is like a notepad, a history of sadness. The leaves combined collect tales of regret and misfortune. They can be torn free and destroyed, but the paper trails linger with memories; a shredded palimpsest. Mistakes can be rewritten, new tales can be spun, but all equates to a thicker wad of failings. Misery can be lifted, with a new perspective like a fresh notepad of recycled pages.


Happiness is like a mug full of tea. It’s sweet and comforting. Its perfection lasts a specific amount of time and then fades. It’s made from a careful routine that is easily spoilt. When drained, there’s an empty hollowness to the day until the mug is filled again.


Love is like a pill packet. The answer to all problems, a dangerous indulgence, a fixer, an addiction, a wrecker. A combination of chemicals evoking and triggering moods and impulses. A cure to life’s problems and the start of more side effects. Bitter aftertaste, a history of negative reactions. 


This is a really stimulating exercise and beginning with “life” is a good way to start. I liked it as it made me make comparisons as you would in looking for similes in the world. It avoids us making the same cliched similes and metaphors too.

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